April Kyu Grading
Well done to everyone that attempted their grading last week. Keep on training hard and the results will show.
Well done to everyone that attempted their grading last week. Keep on training hard and the results will show.
Kime Karate hosted Jody Young Sensei on the weekend of 16-18 of April for a 3-day seminar, focusing on Kata, Kumite, and self-defense. All that attended were exposed to Jody Sensei’s exceptional knowledge in advanced kata as well as his phenomenal self-defense application techniques. Attendees ranged from Yellow-Black belts, as well as some visitors from
On 10 April 2021 we had the privilege of attending a zoom class with Kawasaki Sensei. For me, it was a class where the focus was on going back to basics, with the emphasis on proper technique. Kanku Dai was used as a base for the class after warm-up. Hips were core in the execution of almost all